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La cortisone sous tous ses angles
Lessard A. Le Médecin du Québec, 2019 aout, 54(8) : 17
Les corticostéroïdes topiques : Mettez-en, ce n’est pas de l’onguent!
Bégin F, Arsenault MC. Le Médecin du Québec, 2019 aout, 54(8) : 19-23
Les corticostéroïdes en ORL : Lorsque la cortisone vous monte au nez!
Lefebvre S, Bellemare A. Le Médecin du Québec, 2019 aout, 54(8) : 25-29
Quand on est à bout de souffle, les corticos à la rescousse!
Lapointe S, Desbiens, JP. Le Médecin du Québec, 2019 aout, 54(8) : 31-35
Mon patient a mal : Devrais-je lui prescrire de la cortisone?
Blouin A, Lessard A. Le Médecin du Québec, 2019 aout, 54(8) : 37-41
La suppression de l’axe surrénalien, le côté sombre de la force
LeBlanc MJ, Bettez N. . Le Médecin du Québec, 2019 aout, 54(8) : 43-48
Characteristics of Case Management in Primary Care Associated With Positive Outcomes for Frequent Users of Health Care: A Systematic Review.
Hudon C, Chouinard MC, Pluye P, El Sherif R, Bush PL, Rihoux B, Poitras ME, Lambert M, Zomahoun HTV, Légaré F. Ann Fam Med. 2019 Sep;17(5):448-458.
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Health literacy among older adults living at home and suffering from chronic diseases: Relationships with their usage of health care services.
Dufour I, Lacasse A, Chouinard MC, Chui Y, Lafontaine S. Clin Nurs Stu. 2019. 7(2):79-86.
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Statistical tools used for analyses of frequent users of emergency department: a scoping review.
Chiu Y, Racine-Hemmings F, Dufour I, Vanasse A, Chouinard MC, Bisson M, Hudon C. BMJ Open. 2019 May 24;9(5):e027750.
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Characteristics of self-management among patients with complex health needs: a thematic analysis review.
Gobeil-Lavoie AP, Chouinard MC, Danish A, Hudon C. BMJ Open. 2019 May 24;9(5):e028344.
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GPs’ management of polypharmacy and therapeutic dilemma in patients with multimorbidity: a cross-sectional survey of GPs in France.
Carrier H, Zaytseva A, Bocquier A, Villani P, Verdoux H, Fortin M, Verger P. Br J Gen Pract. 2019 Apr;69(681):e270-e278.
Social Vulnerability in Patients with Multimorbidity: A Cross-Sectional Analysis.
Nguyen TN, Ngangue P, Bouhali T, Ryan BL, Stewart M, Fortin M. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Apr 8;16(7). pii: E1244.
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Integration of chronic disease prevention and management services into primary care (PR1MaC): findings from an embedded qualitative study.
Fortin M, Chouinard MC, Diallo BB, Bouhali T. BMC Fam Pract. 2019 Jan 9;20(1):7.
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Promoting cross-jurisdictional primary health care research: developing a set of common indicators across 12 community-based primary health care teams in Canada.
Wong ST, Langton JM, Katz A, Fortin M, Godwin M, Green M, Grunfeld E, Hassani K, Kendall C, Liddy C, Ploeg J, Wodchis WP, Haggerty JL. Prim Health Care Res Dev. 2019 Jan;20:e7.
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Case management in primary care for frequent users of healthcare services with chronic diseases and complex care needs: an implementation and realist evaluation protocol.
Hudon C, Chouinard MC, … Poitras MÈ, et al. BMJ Open. 2018 Nov 25;8(11):e026433.
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The Patient Experience of Integrated Care Scale: A Validation Study among Patients with Chronic Conditions Seen in Primary Care.
Joober H, Chouinard MC, King J, Lambert M, Hudon É, Hudon C. Int J Integr Care. 2018 Oct 12;18(4):1.
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“It-that-must-not-be-named”: Addressing patient discomfort with the term multimorbidity.
Fortin M. Can Fam Physician 2018; 64:881-88.
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« Ce mot à ne pas prononcer » : Réagir au malaise des patients face au mot multimorbidité
Fortin M. Can Fam Physician 2018; 64:e512-e513.
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Drug samples in family medicine teaching units: a cross-sectional descriptive study: Part 1: drug sample management policies and the relationship between the pharmaceutical industry and residents in Quebec.
Rhéaume C, Labrecque M, Moisan N, Rioux J, Tardieux É, Diallo FB, Lussier MT, Lessard A, Grad R, Pluye P. Can Fam Physician 2018; 64:e531-e539.
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Drug samples in family medicine teaching units: a cross-sectional descriptive study: Part 2: portrait of drug sample management in Quebec
Lessard A, Lussier MT, Diallo FB, Labrecque M, Rhéaume C, Pluye P, Grad R. Can Fam Physician 2018; 64:e540-e545.
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Drug samples in family medicine teaching units: a cross-sectional descriptive study: Part 3: availability and use of drug samples in Quebec
Lussier MT, Diallo FB, Pluye P, Grad R, Lessard A, Rhéaume C, Labrecque M. Can Fam Physician 2018; 64:e546-e552.
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Beyond the grey tsunami: a cross-sectional population-based study of multimorbidity in Ontario.
Ryan BL, Bray Jenkyn K, Shariff SZ, Allen B, Glazier RH, Zwarenstein M, Fortin M, Stewart M.
Can J Public Health. 2018 Dec;109(5-6):845-854.
Assessment of scalability of evidence-based innovations in community-based primary health care: a cross-sectional study.
Ben Charif A, Hassani K, Wong ST, Zomahoun HTV, Fortin M, Freitas A, Katz A, Kendall CE, Liddy C, Nicholson K, Petrovic B, Ploeg J, Légaré F. CMAJ Open. 2018 Nov 2;6(4):E520-E527.
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Snapshot of the primary care waiting room: Informing practice redesign to align with the Patient’s Medical Home model.
Haggerty J, Fortin M, Breton M. Can Fam Physician. 2018 Sep;64(9):e407-e413.
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Association study between a polymorphic poly-T repeat sequence in the promoter of the somatostatin gene and metabolic syndrome.
Tremblay M, Brisson D, Gaudet D. BMC Med Genet. 2018 Jul 27;19(1):130.
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Nursing activities for patients with chronic disease in family medicine groups: A multiple-case study.
Poitras ME, Chouinard MC, Fortin M, Girard A, Crossman S, Gallagher F. Nurs Inq. 2018 Oct;25(4):e12250.
Addressing the Evidence Gap in Stroke Rehabilitation for Complex Patients: A Preliminary Research Agenda.
Nelson ML, McKellar KA, Munce S, Kelloway L, Hans PK, Fortin M, Lyons R, Bayley M. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2018 Jun;99(6):1232-1241.
Health literacy – engaging the community in the co-creation of meaningful health navigation services: a study protocol.
Loignon C, Dupéré S, Fortin M, Ramsden VR, Truchon K. BMC Health Serv Res. 2018 Jun 28;18(1):505.
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What are the effective elements in patient-centered and multimorbidity care? A scoping review.
Poitras ME, Maltais ME, Bestard-Denommé L, Stewart M, Fortin M. BMC Health Serv Res. 2018 Jun 14;18(1):446.
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Case Management in Primary Care for Frequent Users of Health Care Services: A Mixed Methods Study.
Hudon C, Chouinard MC, Dubois MF, Roberge P, Loignon C, Tchouaket É, Lambert M, Hudon É, Diadiou F, Bouliane D. Ann Fam Med. 2018 May;16(3):232-239.
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The relationship between health literacy and patient activation among frequent users of healthcare services: a cross-sectional study.
Couture ÉM, Chouinard MC, Fortin M, Hudon C. BMC Fam Pract. 2018 Mar 9;19(1):38.
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A Core Outcome Set for Multimorbidity Research (COSmm).
Smith SM, Wallace E, Salisbury C, Sasseville M, Bayliss E, Fortin M. Ann Fam Med. 2018 Mar;16(2):132-138.
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Nursing Activities for Patients With Chronic Disease in Primary Care Settings: A Practice Analysis.
Poitras ME, Chouinard MC, Gallagher F, Fortin M. Nurs Res. 2018 Jan/Feb;67(1):35-42.
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Patient-reported outcomes in multimorbidity intervention research: A scoping review.
Sasseville M, Chouinard MC, Fortin M. Int J Nurs Stud. 2018 Jan;29;77:145-153. Review.
Towards better health, social and community-based services integration for patients with chronic conditions and complex care needs: challenges and next steps for primary care research.
Hudon C, Chouinard MC, Bayliss E, Nothelle S, Senn N, Shadmi E. Ann Fam Med. 2018 16(1):85-86. No abstract available.
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The Multimorbidity Cluster Analysis Tool: Identifying Combinations and Permutations of Multiple Chronic Diseases Using a Record-Level Computational Analysis.
Nicholson K, Bauer M, Terry A, Fortin M, Williamson T, Thind A. J Innov Health Inform. 2017 Dec 13;24(4):962.
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Decisional needs assessment of patients with complex care needs in primary care: a participatory systematic mixed studies review protocol.
Bujold M, Pluye P, Légaré F, Haggerty J, Gore GC, Sherif RE, Poitras ME, et al.; Participatory Review Team. BMJ Open. 2017 Nov 12;7(11):e016400. Review.
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Development of a research tool to document self-reported chronic conditions in primary care.
Fortin M, Almirall J, Nicholson K. J Comorb. 2017 Nov 9;7(1):117-123.
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Self-reported versus health administrative data: implications for assessing chronic illness burden in populations. A cross-sectional study.
Fortin M, Haggerty J, Sanche S, Almirall J. CMAJ Open. 2017 Sep 25;5(3):E729-E733.
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Case management in primary care among frequent users of healthcare services with chronic conditions: protocol of a realist synthesis.
Hudon C, Chouinard MC, Aubrey-Bassler K, Muhajarine N, Burge F, Pluye P, Bush PL, Ramsden VR, Legare F, Guenette L, Morin P, Lambert M, Groulx A, Couture M, Campbell C, Baker M, Edwards L, Sabourin V, Spence C, Gauthier G, Warren M, Godbout J, Davis B, Rabbitskin N. BMJ Open. 2017 Sep 3;7(9):e017701.
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Multimorbidity, dementia and health care in older people: a population-based cohort study.
Tonelli M, Wiebe N, Straus S, Fortin M, Guthrie B, James MT, Klarenbach SW, Tam-Tham H, Lewanczuk R, Manns BJ, Quan H, Ronksley PE, Sargious P, Hemmelgarn B; Alberta Kidney Disease Network. CMAJ Open. 2017 Aug 14;5(3):E623-E631.
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The relationship between health literacy and quality of life among frequent users of health care services: a cross-sectional study.
Couture ÉM, Chouinard MC, Fortin M, Hudon C. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2017 Jul 6;15(1):137.
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Relevant Outcomes For Patient-Centered Interventions For Persons With Multimorbidity: Experts’ Discussion.
Sasseville M, Stewart M, Bouhali T, Fortin M. Ann Fam Med. 2017 Jul;15(4):388-389. No abstract available.
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